
Infection Control Masterclass

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $99.00.

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This is the most important course for your ADC journey. This course not only teaches you the basic protocols of infection control , but will give you a depth of detail and information on how to deal with any scenario in the exam.

We all know that without knowing and following correct infection control protocols no matter how experienced of a clinician you are, you are risking at losing your whole practical exam if you do a major error.

This will include in detail:

  • Introduction and basics to infection control. This will teach you exactly on:
    1. How to enter the room
    2. How to leave the room
    3. How to transfer instruments
    4. How to open instruments
    5. Basic etiquettes of how negative in the room.
    6. Basic PPE protocol.
    7. Ergonomics and chair positioning.
    8. L.A how to dispose the needle protocol. Covers both concepts with the infection control protocol.
    9. Q and A session, answering the frequently asked questions.
    10. Ergonomics and chair positioning.

My best wishes,
Dr. Mak


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