Composite Masterclass

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by Dr. Mak
14 Days
28 Lessons

What's Included

This course is designed to provide you the basic foundation on how to do a composite restoration. Either you are a dental student, fresh dental graduate just out of dental school or an experienced dentist perusing your overseas dental license exams this course is exactly what you are looking for.

We have developed this course you understand your the grading criteria and basic elements to offer a functional composite restoration.

We have divided the course into:

  1. Class 4 Composite
  2. Complex Composite on a Pre-Molar tooth
  3. Complex Composite on a Molar tooth.

Bonus segment- Which is the main element of this course. You will learn how to re-create your contact once you loose them.

When you see my photos that I post on my social media. Everyone asks me the same question. Is it possible to get a Composite like this immediately after you cure, without doing any finishing or polishing???

Yes, surely it is possible, repeatedly every single time!

Please note – “I haven’t even started polishing or finishing my composite yet”.

If I can do it, you can do it too.

You Just have to follow the step by step guide that I have created after combining all the techniques that I have learned in the past years. In my opinion they work best, and can bring your A game out.

Composite is one of the most technical tasks on our ADC journey but if the steps are followed properly- it’s amazing what you can deliver. This guide has been created to make your life easy.

Join now and get 14 days access to the course.

Best wishes for your journey.

Dr. Mak

Composite Course