What's Included
ADC ONLINE TECHNICAL SCHOOL – We call it the Netflix of ADC. With so many videos available, it’s a complete guide for your ADC needs.
This course is all about understanding the fundamentals and mastering the art and science for the ADC exam, with a heavy focus on the technical section.
All the videos are designed to give you a blend of learning along with the tips and tricks that will guide you to stay on the right track.
As seen with previous candidates mistakes and the pattern of failure, it’s very important to not only to perform good tasks in the exam but most importantly understanding that what this exam needs.
This will involve:
- Taking the grading criteria as our reference and guide every single times
- Understanding the basics of each task in depth.
- Understanding the difference between major and minor errors.
- What are the mistakes that lead us to the failing criteria
- How to correct our work and bring it back from fail to pass.
- Understanding the fundamental concepts that have been created by Dr. Mak to guide you through the ADC path, reminding you to focus on passing the exam and not doing fancy dentistry to impress people.
- Most importantly, let you focus on one clear concept on how to do your tasks rather than confusing you with different techniques.
- All the techniques have been simplified so you can replicate it again and again.
- With online, you have the bonus that you can repeat and watch the videos and concepts taught to you again and again. So, everyone can learn things at their own pace.
- Ongoing assessments – so you are fully guided throughout the program and are kept on the right track. Stay in touch with us until you pass your exam. We have 2 social groups both on Facebook and WhatsApp which you will have full access to, where you will be regularly monitored and where you will be guided with us through regular assessments.
We have divided the Comprehensive course into 6 different areas:
- This will make you understand the concepts behind what this exam requires and understanding the basics and getting the foundation of the theoretical based clinical exam.
- The videos in the fundamentals section will prepare you on exactly how to tackle this exam.
- Dive in detail with the theory and the hands-on protocol for all the 6 technical tasks. So, you get guidance for every single concept in detail.
- This will include both the anterior and posterior tooth.
- Technical tasks will include:
- Composite Masterclass
- Complex Composite – Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video.
- Class IV Composite – Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video.
- Cavity Prep Task
- Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video.
- Endo Access Cavity Prep Task
- Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video. This will include a detailed diagrammatic video to let you understand the concepts.
- Crown Prep Masterclass
- This will include the putty demonstration that will include on both anterior and posterior section.
- Anterior teeth- Including both the central incisor and canine
- Class IV Composite – Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video
- Molar tooth – Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration videos will be included in this section.
- This will include the putty demonstration that will include on both anterior and posterior section.
- Amalgam Task
- Theory and in-depth hands-on demonstration video.
- Provisional Crown
- This will include the putty techniques along with creating provisional crown basics on both anterior and posterior tooth. Theory and in-depth hands on demonstration video.
- Composite Masterclass
- Teach you how to take good photos for assessments
- Stay in touch with us until you pass your exam
- Links to our social groups:
- This is the heart of the course- teach you and let you practice on areas on how to correct your mistakes when things go wrong.
- The bonus section is never ending so new videos will be added to it on a regular basis and suggestions will be taken from the students enrolled in the program.
- This communication course is special. As you will learn the fundamentals from Dr. Mak with an on-site or online based approach learning method. Following a comprehensive library of 100 videos of communication and role play sessions where you will be able to review all your concepts. Along with the core of the course – practicing one-on-one role play sessions. Both online and on-site options available.
- Guiding you with basics skilled osces to be equipped for the exam.
- Once you mix all the parts, you not only get good skills and foundation for your technical task but most importantly get the concepts of important points required to pass this exam – so you don’t end up doing the same errors and end up with the same trap that all the previous candidates have done.
- Onsite Comprehensive 3 days course followed by Online learning with our 100 videos review library followed by 5 role play practice sessions.
Let your journey begin!
My best wishes,
Dr. Mak
ADC Technical Handbook
Section A – Fundamental Videos
Section B - Technical Tasks
- Composite > 1. Introduction to Class IV Composite
- Composite > 2. Class IV Composite (Part 1)
- Composite > 3. Class IV Composite (Part 2)
- Composite > 4. Class IV Composite Polishing Sequence
- Composite > 5. Introduction to Complex Composite
- Composite > 6. Complex Composite (Part 1)
- Composite > 7. Complex Composite (Part 2)
- Composite > 8. Complex Composite – Polishing (Part 3)
- Crown Prep > 1. Introduction to Crown Prep (Part 1)
- Crown Prep > 2. Introduction to Crown Prep (Part 2)
- Crown Prep > 3. Putty Index Basics
- Crown Prep > 4. Posterior Tooth Putty Technique (Part 1)
- Crown Prep > 5. Posterior Tooth Putty Technique (Part 2)
- Crown Prep > 6. Anterior Putty Recipe
- Crown Prep > 7. Molar PFM Crown Prep (Part 1)
- Crown Prep > 8. Molar PFM Crown Prep (Part 2)
- Crown Prep > 9. Canine PFM Crown Prep
- Crown Prep > 10. Bonus Video 1 – PFM Crown Prep on a Central Incisor
- Crown Prep > 11. Bonus Video 2 – Central Incisor Prep
- Crown Prep > 12. Let’s Review the Basics – First Step When Doing the Crown Preparation Task
- Crown Prep > 13. Finalizing the Map in Mind
- Crown Prep > 14. Main Steps of Crown Preparation
- Crown Prep > 15. Anterior Putty Technique
- Crown Prep > 16. Anterior Putty Technique (Part 2)
- Crown Prep > 17. Review of the Plan
- Crown Prep > 18. Inspection of the Putty Index
- Crown Prep > 19. Crown Prep (Part 1) – Incisal & Labial Reduction
- Crown Prep > 20. Importance of 3 Plane Reduction
- Crown Prep > 21. Reviewing the Concepts of Depth Reduction Grooves
- Crown Prep > 22. Labial & Palatal Reduction
- Crown Prep > 23. Interproximal Reduction
- Crown Prep > 24. Interproximal Reduction Continuation & Final Merge
- Provisional Crown > 1. Introduction to Provisional Crown – Theory and Science Behind the Technique
- Provisional Crown > 2. Basics of Putty Key
- Provisional Crown > 3. Posterior Putty Recipe (Part 1)
- Provisional Crown > 4. Posterior Putty Recipe (Part 2)
- Provisional Crown > 5. Anterior Putty Index Recipe
- Provisional Crown > 6. 46 Provisional Crown
- Provisional Crown > 7. Anterior Provisional Crown (Part 1)
- Provisional Crown > 8. Anterior Provisional Crown (Part 2)
- Provisional Crown > 9. Polishing Sequence (Part 1)
- Provisional Crown > 10. Polishing Sequence (Part 2)
- Provisional Crown > 11. Tips and Tricks on How to Correct Your Provisional Crown
- Complex Molar Composite > 1. Welcome to Molar Complex Composite Session – Let’s Discuss the Anatomy
- Complex Molar Composite > 2. Let’s Review the Full Protocol
- Complex Molar Composite > 3. Cavity Design
- Complex Molar Composite > 4. Final Cavity Prep
- Complex Molar Composite > 5. Matrix Band Placement & Marginal Ridge Design
- Complex Molar Composite > 6. Marginal Ridge (Part 2)
- Complex Molar Composite > 7. Completing the Whole Wall
- Complex Molar Composite > 8. This is the Best Time to Review the Anatomy Again
- Complex Molar Composite > 9. Start With the A Placement “Disto Buccal Cusp”
- Complex Molar Composite > 10. Start to See the A
- Complex Molar Composite > 11. Time to Re-Assess & Highlight the Errors
- Complex Molar Composite > 12. Let’s Correct the A
- Complex Molar Composite > 13. Polishing Protocol
- Endodontic Access > 1. Welcome Video
- Endodontic Access > 2. Introduction to Endo task – Theory
- Endodontic Access > 3. Basics of Endo Access – Diagrammatic Representation
- Endodontic Access > 4. Endo Hands On (Part 1)
- Endodontic Access > 5. Endo Hands On (Part 2)
- Endodontic Access > 6. Concept of Straight Line Access
- Endodontic Access > 7. How to Check the Roof
- Endodontic Access > 8. Let’s Recap the Concepts
- Endontic Access > 9. New Task in ADC – Molar & Premolar Access
- Endontic Access > 10. Lower Molar Access Guide
- Endontic Access > 11. Lower Molar Endo – Refinement Stage
- Endontic Access > 12. Lower Molar Endo – Review the Roof Again
- Endontic Access > 13. Lower Molar Endo – Importance of Straight Line Access
- Endontic Access > 14. How to Tackle the Premolar Access
- Endontic Access > 15. Bonus Video 1
- Endontic Access > 16. Bonus Video 2
- Endontic Access > 17. Bonus Video 3
- Amalgam Restoration > 1. Introduction and theory for Amalgam Task
- Amalgam Restoration > 2. Foundation for Amalgam task
- Amalgam Restoration > 3. Correct your A prior to doing lower amalgam
- Amalgam Restoration > 4. Basics of Cavity design with Amalgam
- Amalgam Restoration > 5. Lower Molar Amalgam
- Amalgam Restoration > 6. Upper Molar Amalgam
- Cavity Prep > 1. Theory Behind Cavity Prep Design Principles
- Cavity Prep > 2. 2 Circle Rule
- Cavity Prep > 3. Clinical Demonstration for the Technique
Section C – Assessments
Social Links
Section D - Bonus Videos
- 1. How to Deal With Open Contacts in Amalgam Task
- 2. Hands On – Amalgam for Open Contact
- 3. Polishing Sequence With Class IV Composite
- 4. How to deal with open contacts in Class IV composite
- 5. Hands On – Dealing With Open Contacts – Class IV Composite
- 6. Complex Composite on a Molar – Basic Technique
- 7. Live Crown Prep – Q and A
- 8. Amalgam Carving (Part 1)
- 9. Amalgam Carving (Part 2)
- 10. Clear Strip Tip With Your Class IV Composites
- 11. Endo Access – Live Discussion
- 12. Ergonomics and Chair Position (Part 1)
- 13. Ergonomics and Chair Position (Part 2)
- 14. Ergonomics and Chair Position (Part 3)
- 15. Basic Infection Control and PPE Protocol for ADC Exam
- 16. ADC Infection Control – Q&A Session (Part 2)
- 17. Clinical Tip For Your Crown Prep Task
- 18. Communication Basics For The ADC Clinical Exam
- 19. How To Master The Art Of Communication With Clinical OSCE & VIVA Exam
- 20. Communication Strategy – Concept Of The Golden Question
- 21. Communication Tips – Angry Patient Scenario
- 22. New format! Endodontic access task ADC exam
- 23. Which Teeth To Order – ADC EXAM GUIDE
- 24. 3 Critical Mistakes to AVOID – Right Sequence for ADC Part 2 Exam
- 25. How to Refine and Assess your Crown Preparation?
Section E - Communication & OSCE - Basics 101
- 1. Communication Strategy & Basics 101 (Part 1)
- 2. Communication Strategy & Basics 101 (Part 2)
- 3. Communication Strategy & Basic Outline
- 4. Welcome to the Role Play
- 5. Consent Form Role Play
- 6. Consent Form Role Play – Reverse
- 7. Consent Form Review & Feedback
- 8. Emergency Patient – Big Swelling in the Face
- 9. Emergency Patient – Recap & Feedback from Dr. Mak
- 10. Angry Patient Scenario & Protocol – Role Play
- 11. Angry Patient Scenario – Tips & Tricks
- 12. Very Important Tip When Doing Your Mapping
- 13. New Patient Consultation – Implant Consent
- 14. Feedback for Implant Consent (Part 1)
- 15. Feedback for Implant Consent (Part 2)
- 16. Q&A
- 17. Hematoma Case – Angry Patient
- 18. Hematoma Case – Feedback
- 19. Welcome to the Esthetic Dentistry Scenarios
- 20. Missing Laterals
- 21. Dark Teeth Management
- 22. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Section F - Technical & Skilled OSCE
- Technical OSCE PDF
- 1. Welcome to the Skilled OSCE Masterclass
- 2. Introduction & Basic Foundation to Infection Control
- 3. Very Important to Understand
- 4. Q&A Video (Part 1)
- 5. Q&A Video (Part 2)
- 6. Ergonomics & Chair Positioning
- 7. Rubber Dam Basics > Introduction and Rubber Dam Basics
- 8. Rubber Dam Basics > Rubber Dam Basics & Clamp Selection Protocol
- 9. Rubber Dam Basics > Rubber Dam Basics & Scenario Discussion
- 10. Rubber Dam Basics > Case Scenario Discussion (Part 1)
- 11. Rubber Dam Basics > Case Scenario Discussion (Part 2)
- 12. Rubber Dam Basics > Tips on How to Invert the Dam
- 13. Rubber Dam (Part 1)
- 14. Rubber Dam (Part 2)
- 15. Rubber Dam (Part 3)
- 16. Rubber Dam (Part 4)
- 17. Perio Scaling Performance OSCE (Part 1)
- 18. Perio Scaling Performance OSCE (Part 2)
- 19. L.A Performance OSCE Introduction & Basic Anatomy
- 20. L.A Performance OSCE (Part 1)
- 21. L.A Performance OSCE (Part 2)
- 22. Extraction Performance OSCE
- 23. Introduction to Matrix Band Placement Performance OSCE
- 24. Matrix Band Placement (Part 1)
- 25. Matrix Band Placement (Part 2)
- 26. Matrix Band Placement (Part 3)
- 27. Radiology OSCE (Part 1)
- 28. Radiology OSCE (Part 2)
- 29. Radiology OSCE (Part 3)
- 30. Radiology OSCE (Part 4)
- 31. Radiology OSCE (Part 5)
- 32. Radiology OSCE (Part 6)
- 33. Radiology OSCE (Part 7)
- 34. CPR OSCE
- 35. Fissure Sealants > Basics & Practical Demonstration